Innovation is a State of Mind: Simple strategies to be more innovative in what you do

Everyone tells you it’s important to be innovative. The problem is that no one tells you how to do it. In Innovation is a State of Mind James O’Loghlin shares what he learnt from hosting over 300 episodes of ‘The New Inventors’ about how innovation actually happens. He outlines a step-by-step process to identify opportunities for innovation.
Change is now happening faster than ever before, and no matter how well you’re doing things, if you keep doing them the same way soon you’ll be left behind. Everyone knows that innovation is important. It’s a priority for government and business, and we’re always being told that we have to think smarter. The problem is that no one tells you how to actually do it – until now.
In his new book, Innovation is a State of Mind James O’Loghlin outlines a step-by-step process to identify opportunities for innovation, develop better ideas, and grow those ideas into something real. Learn how to step back from your day-to-day busyness, shift your perspective and become more innovative in everything you do.
Innovation is a State of Mind outlines how you can:
- identify overlooked opportunities and take advantage of them
- step around common roadblocks to innovation
- build a culture in which everyone is expected and encouraged to be innovative
- Identify, develop and implement the best ideas
Packed with engaging stories and a good dose of humour, this insightful guide helps you to make innovation a part of what you do every day.